From the creators of local eateries such as the Fish Market,Hamburgeria and the Coffee Pot and the Cohouse Loft, comes this greatnew space between the Pigneto and the Mandrion. The CoHouse isdivided into a variety of environments that encourage interactionbetween music, photography, cinema, creative arts in general, and – notleast – the kitchen. In the large dining room kitted with a kitchen andfurnished tables, there will be a temporary restaurant wihich which willalternate every 2-3 weeks (Thursday through Sunday) betweenprominent chefs Capitoline and Lazio (with possible incursions from therest of Italy ). In the another area overlooking the garden, a full programwill be organised during the day and this includes cooking classes andphotography for members in the morning. A ranges of drinks includingtea, home made drinks, wines and spirits will be served.A DJ set and,concert (and cocktail service) will is scheduled for the evening. Work istaking place for the launch of the Rooftop Pool & Spa from next May anda street food area in the courtyard with a BBQ area. In Spring and overthe next few days, there should be room for street food (in coincision withthe holiday season).



Via Casilina Vecchia 96/C


41.8847416, 12.5289508

